Bring such chaos. I have already washed the dishes, cooked breakfast, put away laundry, played play-doh, ate breakfast, colored, played with stickers, washed laundry only to find out we have a leaky pipe, changed diapers and pull-ups can I tell you it is 9:20am. Anthony ate breakfast and is still asking to nurse every 5 minutes, it's rainy, gloomy and humid!
Good news is I don't feel like ripping my tonsils out or swallowing four ibuprofen every six hours. The kids don't seem to be sick so hopefully we will be healthy for a while so we don't have to miss out on anymore events like we did this past weekend.
I have to give Carlos a lot of credit he has been such an involved Father on the weekends. His new job has him working longer hours so he leaves while the kids are waking up and comes home in time to put Izabella to sleep. He's been making up the missed time by taking them out on "Adventures" on the weekends which all of them love. Leaving me home to rest (lie on the couch and catch up on DVR) or cleaning without interruption. It's amazing how fast I can clean when it's just me then it feels good to sit on the couch and eat bon bons HA!
Izabella is starting school in two weeks and two days, not that I'm counting but she is so ready for school, I can't wait to see what she is going to learn socially, educationally and just hopes this pushes her. Right now I can tell she's starting to get bored with just Anthony and I all the time. I know all parents think their children are smart or talented but really both my kids are quite smart. They have always hit their developmental milestones early, Izabella just thrives in new experiences and new people I can't wait to see what the school has to offer. Our Doctor always tell us they are so healthy and smart because they are mixed ethnicity and our genes are so different we've made "Super" children, okay maybe he didn't say super but you know what I mean.
Speaking of our brilliant child last night on our way home we were talking to them about what we were thankful for and Carlos started saying what he was thankful for when Izabella interrupted with
"Thats stupid, Papi, chuckle chuckle" repeat "Thats so stuuupid"
I almost fainted, I was speechless and didn't know what to say to her. Carlos and did try to explain to her that it wasn't nice or kind which I do think she understood. I then turned to Carlos and said " This is just the beginning" Thank God no one else was around to hear how cruel it sounded in the moment. We are very careful about what we say around them, we don't swear around them, I rarely swear at all anymore.
Anthony came through with some humor when we asked him what he was thankful for he told us "Mooma (what they call my Mom), Nonno and llamas" What a funny little man.
One funny comment had the beginning of August when we first started getting sick she told me:
"Mommy, I don't feel well"
"What hurts Layla?"
"It hurts from my throat all the way to my penis"
I guess this is what happens when you have a little brother
No one ever told me I would get so many gender questions about boys and girls and men and women the questions are hillarious and sometimes quite embarrassing.
Thats all for now as I reacquaint myself with laundry, toys and poo...
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